
EvoPolyGen is a tool developed to facilitate hypothesis generation in the field of human polygenic trait evolution. It builds upon the GWAS ATLAS and introduces new metrics to understand how genes associated with polygenic traits are influenced by selection.

EvoPolyGen introduces two key metrics:
  • R_exp, which measures the correlation between the association of human genes with polygenic traits and their expression level.
  • R_rate, which measures the correlation between the association of human genes with polygenic traits and their evolutionary rate.

EvoPolyGen provides insights into the evolution of human polygenic traits by analyzing how selection shapes these traits in human populations. It helps in understanding the relationship between gene expression, evolutionary rate, and their association with polygenic traits.

Users can explore the positioning of different human polygenic traits within a correlation diagram provided on the website. They can also investigate the expression level and evolutionary rate of the genes associated with each trait on specific trait pages.

The primary goal of EvoPolyGen is to aid in hypothesis generation in the field of human polygenic trait evolution, particularly in understanding how selection impacts these traits.

Investigating the evolutionary rate of human disease genes is crucial for understanding the genetic basis of diseases and their evolution over time. This approach can provide insights into the fundamental questions in evolutionary medicine, such as the evolutionary mechanisms and biological properties of genes and gene regulatory networks that contribute to the persistence of disease variants within human populations. This is particularly important for polygenic and complex diseases, which result from the contribution of multiple genes. The genetic basis of such diseases is more complex than monogenic diseases, and we often lack a systematic understanding of the evolutionary rate of the genes associated with such diseases. By investigating 4,576 complex traits in the GWAS ATLAS database, we explored the relationship between genetic correlation, gene expression level, evolutionary rate, and estimates of selection pressure in human genes across a broader spectrum of polygenic traits. Our results demonstrate the presence of a spectrum among complex traits, shaped by natural selection. Notably, at opposite ends of this spectrum, we find metabolic traits being more likely influenced by purifying selection, and immunological traits that are more likely shaped by positive selection. Our paper is available here.